
在全球范围内,数据中心每年使用2至4太瓦时(TWh)的电力(约占全球能源使用的1%至3%),预计到2030年将增长到2%至8%。因此,降低数据中心的能耗既有利于环境,也有利于企业。通过减少计算基础设施的电力消耗和冷却设施消耗来降低数据中心的电力使用效率 (PUE),从而降低发电的 OPEX 和碳排放。




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随着技术的进步,允许子系统升级,从而减少电子垃圾。最大限度地减少整个服务器刷新可以将电子垃圾减少多达 90%.

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Supermicro 服务器设计为最大气流,从而使CPU能够在更高的温度下运行。

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各种Supermicro服务器可随时与液体冷却一起使用,从而降低风扇速度和对 HVAC 的需求,从而降低 PUE。服务器的功耗降低已显示为每台服务器约 10%。

ESG/Sustainability Report

Information for Supermicro Servers

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) TR 62635 Standard Specifics Information that Manufacturers and Recyclers can Exchange for Proper End-Of-Life Treatment

Product Longevity





Supermicro 产品减少对环境的影响



Resource-Saving 架构@ Fortune 100 数据中心

Supermicro MicroBlade 为世界上最节能的数据中心之一提供动力,PUE 为 1.06

采取 We Keep IT Green® 更上一层楼的使命, Supermicro的可分解Resource-Saving 系统已在多个Fortune 100强数据中心批量部署。

一家Fortune 100 强公司在其硅谷数据中心(世界上最节能的数据中心之一)部署了超过 50000 台基于 MicroBlade™ 可分解的英特尔®至强®处理器服务器。

通过 8U SuperBlade ®实现卓越的总体拥有成本节约

利用 Supermicro 服务器降低运营成本

Supermicro 高性能、密度优化和能效刀片服务器解决方案可以显著降低许多组织的初始资本和运营支出。特别是,Supermicro 的新一代 SuperBlade® 产品组合旨在优化当今数据中心的 TCO 关键组件,例如自然风冷,电源效率,节点密度和网络管理。

会员 & 合规

LOT 9 合规

Lot 9 法规是一套新的产品标准,涉及企业级服务器等数据存储设备。了解Supermicro如何满足欧盟 (EU) 服务器和存储产品的生态设计要求,作为 Lot 9 合规性的一部分。

Science Based Targets

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is an organization that encourages companies and financial institutions to set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The SBTi provides a framework for companies to set targets and track progress.


Green Computing at Scale

Supermicro continues to lead the market in Green IT innovation. Our Resource-Saving Architecture is designed to reduce the impact of technology on our planet, with modular designs that reduce both TCO and TCE (Total Cost to the Environment).

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Technology & Our Planet

Supermicro continues to lead the market in Green IT innovation. Our Resource-Saving Architecture is designed to reduce the impact of technology on our planet, with modular designs that reduce both TCO and TCE (Total Cost to the Environment).

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Mission: Green Computing (2018)

IT Industry’s responsibility towards a Greener Earth

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Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) – Step Up Tech Declaration

Supermicro has announced at the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) – Step Up Tech Declaration, a metric for “Total Cost to the Environment,” for IT leaders to measure their data centers’ environmental impact by urging them to incorporate Resource-Saving technologies into their plans to help the data centers reach an average PUE of 1.30 and reduce their E-waste by 2025.

Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS)and Supermicro's Announcement
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Supermicro Rack Scale Design 2.1

The latest Supermicro Rack Scale Design total solution is the high performance, high density, and disaggregated NVMe storage. The arrival of this innovative technology marks the beginning of a paradigm shift to deploy truly disaggregated resource pools in today’s large scale data centers that will dramatically improve data center efficiency, increase utilization and reduce costs.

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Contact Supermicro to Learn More about Green Computing
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