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GTC China

Suzhou, China
12月 16 - 12月 19, 2019

Suzhou Jinji Lake International Conference Center


More From Less In The Data Center

While in the past human progress was tied to use of physical resources, in recent history human progress is happening with the use of fewer total resources.  Macafee refers to this trend as dematerialization.


Our Take on the Supermicro Green DC Push in 2019

This week, Supermicro put out its second annual Supermicro Data Centers & the Environment Report. In the report, the company makes a few key points revolving around how data centers can be more environmentally friendly.


Supermicro Unveils Their Second Annual Green Data Center Report

Supermicro has released its second annual Data Centers and the Environment report, which is based on an industry survey of over 5,000 IT professionals. After analyzing the results, the company has determined that the majority of data center leaders do not “fully consider” green initiatives when building-out data center infrastructures.


Supermicro の第 2 回データセンター報告書がエネルギーコストの大幅節約と電子ゴミ削減のチャンスを指摘

【サンノゼ(米カリフォルニア州)2019年 12月 10日 PR Newswire=共同通信 JBN】

*調査結果は、88% のデータセンターがグリーンではなく、典型的なエンタープライズ・データセンターがエネルギーコストで最大 3800 万ドルを節約し、350 トンの電子ゴミを年間削減できることを示している

エンタープライズコンピューティング、ストレージ、ネットワークソリューション、グリーンコンピューティング・テクノロジーのグローバルリーダーである Super Micro Computer, Inc.(SMCI) は 10日、5000人以上のITプロフェッショナルの業界調査に基づく同社の第 2 回年次リポート Data Centers and the Environment を発表した。今年の調査結果も、大多数のデータセンター・リーダーが増え続けるデータセンター・インフラストラクチャー増築の際にグリーンイニシアチブを十分に考慮せず、データセンターコストを拡大させ環境に影響を与えていることを実証した。


ICYMI: Our Channel News Roundup for the Week of December 9th

In case your calendar doesn’t show holidays, it’s less than two weeks until Christmas (13 unlucky days to match today’s date of Friday the 13th). The good news? Office snacks will improve greatly next week. Bad news? Some of those snacks will be last year’s fruitcake. The reward for vigilance is a tooth that remains uncracked on super-stale pecans embedded in concrete-like cake filled with fossilized fruit.


TLC vs. QLC NAND: Pick the best memory technology for your storage application

In case you hadn’t noticed, solid-state drives keep getting bigger and faster. Back in 2008, a state-of-the-art enterprise SSD offered 32GB of capacity and moved files at up to 250 MB/s. Today, a 32TB version can read data sequentially at 3,200 MB/s. That’s a 1000x size increase and more than 10x speed-up.


Supermicro launches server class edge systems for Open 5G RAN solutions

Super Micro Computer, a specialist in enterprise computing, storage, networking solutions, has unveiled solutions for 5G cell tower deployments that leverage fully-configurable SuperServers based on 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, O-RAN compliant partner software and with the ability to operate in harsh environments.


Supermicro Shows Off Intel Nervana NNP-T Servers: 8-Way PCIe and OAM

One of the key elements to deep learning and training is lots of very dense compute, as well as the dense servers to go through the computation. Intel’s Nervana NNP-T Spring Crest silicon, which we saw at Hot Chips earlier this year, is the ‘big training silicon’ that came out of the acquisition with Nervana: a 680 mm2 built on TSMC 16nm with CoWoS with four stacks of HBM2.
