Displaying 491 - 500 of 1170

Intel's Sapphire Rapids Finally Here! Feat. Supermicro SYS-221BT-DNTR

Inside our BigTwin SYS-221BT-DNTR, powered by Intel 4th Gen Xeon Processors you will find thoughtful clever Engineering from Supermicro as we come to expect from Intel's new platform. See performance benchmarking results that make this server a very attractive option.


Supermicro 推出全新性能更好、速度更快且省电的X13 服务器产品组合,可支持第4 代 Intel Xeon 可扩展处理器

【2023 年 1 月 10 日加州圣何塞讯】Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ:SMCI) 为云端、AI/ML、储存和5G/智能边缘应用的全方位IT 解决方案提供商,将推出业界最广泛的一流服务器和存储产品组合,其中包含超过15 个系列的性能优化系统,尤其致力于AI、高性能运算、云端运算、媒体、企业,及 5G/电信/智能边缘应用等工作负载.


HOLY $H!T - The FASTEST CPU on the Planet - AMD EPYC 9654

Watch Linus test drive the new Supermicro H13 dual-socket Hyper 2125HS-TNR and and single-socket CloudDC AS-2015CS-TNR system with 96-core 4th Gen AMD EPYC™ processors to set some world records!


X13 Pre-Release Updates

The X13 Pre-Release Update on November 17th, 2022, discussed the upcoming release of the 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor (Formerly codenamed Sapphire Rapids), which will be available in many of Supermicro’s product lines in early 2023.


HPC China

Jinan, China
12月 12 - 12月 15, 2022

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