Supermicro 2U Ultra-E short-depth server delivers data centre computational power to the telecom edge
Supermicro Computer’s 2U Ultra-E short-depth is the latest update to its NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3-certified server line-up.
Supermicro Computer’s 2U Ultra-E short-depth is the latest update to its NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3-certified server line-up.
Supermicro Computer's 2U Ultra-E short-depth is the latest update to Supermicro’s growing NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3-certified server line-up. Its deployment and operation in telecom and other edge applications confirm that industry-standard and open server computational power can be found outside of traditional data centres.
2020 年 10 月 14 日—加州圣何塞讯 — Super Micro Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq:SMCI) 为企业级运算、存储、网络解决方案和绿色运算技术等领域的全球领导者,今日宣布将为最新的 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU(数据处理单元)提供支持。NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 现已开始提供样品,Supermicro 将针对 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 进行积极的认证计划,其中包含 Supermicro 预计于 2021 年推出一系列领先市场的系统。整个产品组合包括 1U、2U、4U、10U 机架式 GPU 系统、Ultra、BigTwin™、8U SuperBlade,以及其他嵌入式解决方案。从边缘到云端,Supermicro 的产品都能满足其进阶的数据需求。
Super Micro Computer 為企業級運算、儲存、網路解決方案和綠色運算技術等領域的供應商,日前宣布將支援最新的 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU。NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 現已開始提供樣品,而 Supermicro 將針對 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 進行積極的認證計畫,其中包含 Supermicro 預計於 2021 年推出一系列領先市場的系統。整個產品組合包括 1U、2U、4U、10U 機架式 GPU 系統、Ultra、BigTwin、8U SuperBlade,以及其他的嵌入式解決方案。無論從邊緣到雲端,Supermicro 的產品能支援各種進階的資料需求。
美超微(Super Micro Computer,Supermicro)為企業級運算、儲存、網路解決方案和綠色運算技術等領域的全球領導者,宣佈將支援最新的 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU(Data Processing Unit)。
美超微(Super Micro Computer,Supermicro)為企業級運算、儲存、網路解決方案和綠色運算技術等領域的全球領導者,宣佈將支援最新的 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU(Data Processing Unit)。
For years, the typical server has been defined by the dual-socket market. At the same time, a number of organizations have noticed that crossing the QPI/ UPI bus between sockets is less than ideal. Processors have crept up not just in capacity, but also in price and power consumption which is making many take a look at single-socket solutions again. AMD EPYC has been pushing this space, so invariably, we are going to have an Intel Xeon response.
Supermicro Computer, Inc. announces a 1U NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3 certified system with up to four NVIDIA V100 or V100S Tensor Core GPUs. The new server system enables the latest AI, AR/VR, transcoding, gaming, and other high-compute workloads with low latency requirements in the telecom environment.