Displaying 861 - 870 of 1170

Big 5G Virtual

Virtual Event
9月 22 - 9月 24, 2020

We're going fully Virtual.

We took an early decision to postpone The BIG 5G Event from May to September given the disruption to daily life brought about by Covid-19.


The Remote Work Reality is Driving New Opportunities for 5G, Edge and IoT

As Coronavirus has forced social distancing to take over most of our lives, companies have been relying on and enforcing remote working policies. This has led many employees to master the art of video-conferencing, adopt new file sharing services, making more calls to colleagues, and spend more time online and emailing.


.NEXT Global Digital

Virtual Event
9月 8 - 9月 10, 2020

Global .NEXT Digital Experience. 

Enjoy the best of .NEXT for free, in your own home.
