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Utilidades IPMI de Supermicro


IPMICFG es una utilidad en banda para la configuración de dispositivos IPMI. Es una herramienta de línea de comandos que proporciona IPMI estándar y comandos OEM propietarios de Supermicro® para la configuración de BMC/FRU. Esta utilidad basada en CLI se puede ejecutar en UEFI, DOS, Windows y Linux OS y no requiere ninguna instalación de software adicional.

IPMICFG Características principales:

  • Configurar la dirección IP IPMI
  • Establecer la configuración IPMI
  • Configurar la gestión de usuarios IPMI
  • Configurar FRU IPMI
  • Gestionar el registro de eventos del sistema (SEL)
  • Gestionar IPMI mediante el protocolo de gestión de nodos (NM)

Requisitos del sistema


  • Supermicro Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) debe ser compatible con las especificaciones de Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) versión 2.0.

Sistema operativo

  • DOS 5.0 or later version 
  • Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 /Server 2003 32bit and 64bit / Server 2008 32bit and 64bit / Server 2012 / Server 2016
  • Linux Kernel version 2.6.x or higher. Ex: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.8 and 7.2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP4 and 12 SP1 Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS
  • UEFI Shell
Usage: IPMICFG params (Example: IPMICFG -m
      -m                    Show IP and MAC.
      -m IP                 Set IP (format: ###.###.###.###).
      -a MAC                Set MAC (format: ##:##:##:##:##:##).
      -k                    Show Subnet Mask.
      -k Mask               Set Subnet Mask (format: ###.###.###.###).
      -dhcp                 Get the DHCP status.
      -dhcp on              Enable the DHCP.
      -dhcp off             Disable the DHCP.
      -g                    Show Gateway IP.
      -g IP                 Set Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###).
      -r                    BMC cold reset.
                            option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset.
      -garp on              Enable the Gratuitous ARP.
      -garp off             Disable the Gratuitous ARP.
      -fd                   Reset to the factory default.
                            option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset.
      -fdl                  Reset to the factory default. (Clean LAN)
                            option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset.
      -fde                  Reset to the factory default. (Clean FRU & LAN)
                            option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset.
      -ver                  Get Firmware revision.
      -vlan                 Get VLAN status.
      -vlan on <vlan tag>   Enable the VLAN and set the VLAN tag.
                            If VLANtag is not given it uses previously saved value.
Ejemplo de salida - menú de ayuda
[ipmicfg_HOME] > IPMICFG.exe –sdr
    Status | (#)Sensor                |      Reading | Low Limit | High Limit
    ------ | ---------                |      ------- | --------- | ----------
        OK | (4) CPU1 Temp            |     44C/111F |    0C/32F |   86C/187F
        OK | (71) CPU2 Temp           |     44C/111F |    0C/32F |   86C/187F
        OK | (138) System Temp        |      31C/88F |   -5C/23F |   80C/176F
        OK | (205) Peripheral Temp    |     44C/111F |   -5C/23F |   80C/176F
        OK | (272) PCH Temp           |     57C/135F |   -5C/23F |   90C/194F
        OK | (339) FAN1               |     1800 RPM |   600 RPM |  18975 RPM
        OK | (406) FAN2               |     1800 RPM |   600 RPM |  18975 RPM
           | (473) FAN3               |          N/A |       N/A |        N/A
           | (540) FAN4               |          N/A |       N/A |        N/A
           | (607) FAN5               |          N/A |       N/A |        N/A
           | (674) FAN6               |          N/A |       N/A |        N/A
           | (741) FAN7               |          N/A |       N/A |        N/A
           | (808) FAN8               |          N/A |       N/A |        N/A
        OK | (875) VTT                |       1.05 V |    0.91 V |     1.34 V
        OK | (942) CPU1 Vcore         |       0.89 V |    0.54 V |     1.48 V
        OK | (1009) CPU2 Vcore        |       0.76 V |    0.54 V |     1.48 V
        OK | (1076) VDIMM ABCD        |       1.48 V |    1.20 V |     1.64 V
        OK | (1143) VDIMM EFGH        |       1.50 V |    1.20 V |     1.64 V
        OK | (1210) +1.5 V            |       1.47 V |    1.34 V |     1.64 V
        OK | (1277) 3.3V              |       3.31 V |    2.92 V |     3.64 V
        OK | (1344) +3.3VSB           |       3.31 V |    2.92 V |     3.64 V
        OK | (1411) 5V                |       5.05 V |    4.48 V |     5.50 V
        OK | (1478) 12V               |      12.29 V |   10.81 V |    13.25 V
        OK | (1545) VBAT              |       3.26 V |    2.68 V |     3.31 V
        OK | (1612) HDD Status        |        0.00  |     2.68  |      3.31 
      Fail | (1679) Chassis Intru     |  01 C0 01 00 |       N/A |        N/A
        OK | (1746) PS1 Status        |  01 C0 01 00 |       N/A |        N/A
Ejemplo de salida de registros SDR


SMCIPMITool es una utilidad fuera de banda de Supermicro que permite a los usuarios interactuar con dispositivos IPMI, incluidos los sistemas SuperBlade®, a través de CLI (interfaz de línea de comandos). Esta utilidad ofrece dos modos de usuario, a saber: OS Modo de línea de comandos y el modo Shell. Esta utilidad puede integrarse fácilmente con la infraestructura existente para conectar con los controladores de gestión de placa base (BMC) de los servidores Supermicro.

SMCIPMITool Características principales:

  • Gestión remota del sistema
    • Gestión de SuperBlade
    • Gestión de MicroBlade
    • Control de potencia del sistema
    • Gestión de HDD y NVMe
    • Gestión de FRU
    • Diagnóstico del sistema (con Super Diagnostics Offline)
    • Gestión NM(Node Manager)
    • Gestión de grupos
  • Gestión remota de IPMI
    • Compatible con IPv6
    • Serie sobre LAN
    • Anulación de arranque
    • Actualización del firmware
    • Sensores y registro de eventos
    • Fuente de alimentación y supervisión de BBP
    • Información del sistema MultiNode
    • Gestión de medios virtuales (se requiere una clave de producto de nodo)
    • Captura de pantalla remota (se requiere la clave de producto del nodo)

Requisitos del sistema operativo

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.8 o posterior,
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 o posterior
  • Ubuntu Server 14.04 o posterior
  • Windows 7 y 10
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP 1, 2012 R2
[root@fc-x10slm SMCIPMITool]#./SMCIPMITool ADMIN ADMIN
    superblade                       SuperBlade blade management (13)
    microblade                       MicroBlade & 8U/4U SuperBlade blade management (6)
    ipmi                             IPMI device management (30)
    sel                              IPMI system event log (5)
    user                             IPMI user management (7)
    nm                               Node Management V1.5 (16)
    nm20                             Node Management V2.0/V3.0 (Romley platform or later) (42)
    nm30                             Node Management V3.0 (Grantley platform or later) (10)
    nm40                             Node Management V4.0 (2)
    dcmi                             DCMI Management (4)
    bios                             BIOS update (9)
    pminfo [<busId> <SlaAddr>]       Power supply PMBus health
    psfruinfo [<busId> <SlaAddr>]    Power supply FRU health
    psbbpInfo [<busId> <SlaAddr>]    Battery Backup Power status
    shell                            Shell mode
    ver                              SMCIPMITool version
    list [keyword]                   List all or find available commands
    exec <file> [loop] [delay]       Execute commands from file
    execm <file> [loop] [delay]      Execute commands from file for TaskRun
    find [<Start> <End> <netMask>]   Find IPMI device from local or IP range
    found                            found IPMI devices (6)
    host                             Host management (6)
    hostrun <host|group> <command>   Run a command on host or group
    mg                               Manage group command (8)
    sc                               Execute shell command
    ukvm                             General KVM launcher
    kvm                              SIM KVM console (graphic mode)
    kvmw                             SIM(W) KVM console (graphic mode)
    kvmwa                            SIM(WA) KVM console (graphic mode)
    kvmwx9                           SIM(X9) KVM console (graphic mode)
    dr                               SIM Virtual Media Drive Redirection
    prompt <type> <on|off>           Config information displayed on prompt
    sol                              SOL Commands
    hdd                              HDD status (6)
    bbp                              Battery Backup Power Management (5)
    tp                               TwinPro MCU Information (19)
    wsiso                            Mount ISO file via Windows Share or SAMBA (for X9 and later) (3)
    tas                              TAS settings (7)
    nvme                             NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) (8)
    nodekey                          Node Product Key (1)
    rsc [filename.ext]               iKVM remote screen capture(X9 or later) ext:png|jpg
    rko [filepath]                   iKVM remote keyboard operation(X9 or later)
    diag                             Super Diagnostics (3)
Ejemplo de salida - menú de ayuda
Getting SDR records ...
      Status |     ID | Num(Hex) | Sensor                   |      Reading |  Low NR  |  Low CT  |  High CT  |  High NR  |
      ------ |     -- | -------- | ---------                |      ------- | -------- | -------- | --------- | --------- |
      OK     |      4 |       01 | CPU1 Temp                |     64C/147F |   5C/41F |   5C/41F | 102C/216F | 102C/216F |
      OK     |     71 |       02 | CPU2 Temp                |     70C/158F |   5C/41F |   5C/41F | 102C/216F | 102C/216F |
      OK     |    138 |       0A | PCH Temp                 |      37C/99F | -11C/12F |  -8C/18F |  95C/203F | 100C/212F |
      OK     |    205 |       0B | System Temp              |      28C/82F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F |  85C/185F |  90C/194F |
      OK     |    272 |       0C | Peripheral Temp          |     38C/100F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F |  85C/185F |  90C/194F |
      OK     |    339 |       0D | MB_10G Temp              |     44C/111F |  -5C/23F |   0C/32F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
      OK     |    406 |       10 | VRMCpu1 Temp             |     40C/104F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
      OK     |    473 |       11 | VRMCpu2 Temp             |     49C/120F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
      OK     |    540 |       12 | VRMP1ABC Temp            |      31C/88F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
      OK     |    607 |       13 | VRMP1DEF Temp            |      34C/93F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
      OK     |    674 |       14 | VRMP2ABC Temp            |      35C/95F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
      OK     |    741 |       15 | VRMP2DEF Temp            |      35C/95F |  -9C/16F |  -7C/19F | 100C/212F | 105C/221F |
             |    808 |       41 | FAN1                     |          N/A |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
      OK     |    875 |       42 | FAN2                     |     6200 RPM |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
      OK     |    942 |       43 | FAN3                     |     6200 RPM |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
      OK     |   1009 |       44 | FAN4                     |     6200 RPM |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
             |   1076 |       45 | FAN5                     |          N/A |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
             |   1143 |       46 | FAN6                     |          N/A |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
             |   1210 |       47 | FANA                     |          N/A |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
             |   1277 |       48 | FANB                     |          N/A |  300 RPM |  500 RPM | 25400 RPM | 25500 RPM |
             |   1344 |       B0 | P1-DIMMA1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   1411 |       B1 | P1-DIMMA2 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   1478 |       B2 | P1-DIMMB1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
      OK     |   1545 |       B4 | P1-DIMMC1 Temp           |      30C/86F |  -5C/23F |   0C/32F |  85C/185F |  90C/194F |
             |   1612 |       B6 | P1-DIMMD1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   1679 |       B7 | P1-DIMMD2 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   1746 |       B8 | P1-DIMME1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
      OK     |   1813 |       BA | P1-DIMMF1 Temp           |      31C/88F |  -5C/23F |   0C/32F |  85C/185F |  90C/194F |
             |   1880 |       D0 | P2-DIMMA1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   1947 |       D1 | P2-DIMMA2 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   2014 |       D2 | P2-DIMMB1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
      OK     |   2081 |       D4 | P2-DIMMC1 Temp           |      32C/90F |  -5C/23F |   0C/32F |  85C/185F |  90C/194F |
             |   2148 |       D6 | P2-DIMMD1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   2215 |       D7 | P2-DIMMD2 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
             |   2282 |       D8 | P2-DIMME1 Temp           |          N/A |      N/A |      N/A |       N/A |       N/A |
      OK     |   2349 |       DA | P2-DIMMF1 Temp           |      34C/93F |  -5C/23F |   0C/32F |  85C/185F |  90C/194F |
      OK     |   2416 |       30 | 12V                      |      11.82 V |  10.17 V |  10.28 V |   13.29 V |   13.41 V |
      OK     |   2483 |       31 | 5VCC                     |       5.09 V |   4.25 V |   4.28 V |    5.54 V |     5.6 V |
      OK     |   2550 |       32 | 3.3VCC                   |       3.41 V |   2.78 V |   2.82 V |    3.65 V |    3.69 V |
             |   2617 |       33 | VBAT                     |                 battery presence detected                  |
      OK     |   2684 |       34 | Vcpu1                    |       1.83 V |   1.24 V |   1.26 V |    2.07 V |     2.1 V |
      OK     |   2751 |       35 | Vcpu2                    |       1.84 V |   1.24 V |   1.26 V |    2.07 V |     2.1 V |
      OK     |   2818 |       36 | VDimmP1ABC               |       1.22 V |   0.94 V |   0.96 V |    1.42 V |    1.44 V |
      OK     |   2885 |       37 | VDimmP1DEF               |       1.22 V |   0.94 V |   0.96 V |    1.42 V |    1.44 V |
      OK     |   2952 |       38 | VDimmP2ABC               |       1.22 V |   0.94 V |   0.96 V |    1.42 V |    1.44 V |
      OK     |   3019 |       39 | VDimmP2DEF               |       1.22 V |   0.94 V |   0.96 V |    1.42 V |    1.44 V |
      OK     |   3086 |       3A | 5VSB                     |       5.15 V |   4.22 V |   4.38 V |    5.52 V |    5.58 V |
      OK     |   3153 |       3B | 3.3VSB                   |       3.38 V |   2.78 V |   2.89 V |    3.65 V |    3.69 V |
      OK     |   3220 |       3C | 1.8V PCH                 |       1.84 V |   1.53 V |   1.58 V |    1.99 V |    2.01 V |
      OK     |   3287 |       3D | PVNN PCH                 |       1.03 V |   0.82 V |   0.84 V |    1.17 V |    1.19 V |
      OK     |   3354 |       3E | 1.05V PCH                |       1.07 V |   0.87 V |   0.89 V |    1.22 V |    1.24 V |
      Fail   |   3421 |       AA | Chassis Intru            |                 General Chassis Intrusion                  |
      OK     |   3957 |       C8 | PS1 Status               |                     Presence detected                      |
      OK     |   4024 |       C9 | PS2 Status               |                     Presence detected                      |
Muestra de salida de registros SDR


IPMIView es una aplicación de software basada en GUI que permite a los administradores gestionar múltiples sistemas de destino a través de BMC. IPMIView V2.0 es compatible con los BMC de Supermicro que se adhieren a IPMI v1.5 o v2.0.

IPMIView supervisa e informa sobre el estado de los sistemas SuperBlade, incluidos el servidor blade, la fuente de alimentación, el conmutador gigabit, InfiniBand y los módulos CMM. IPMIView también es compatible con KVM remoto y Virtual Media.

IPMIView Características principales:

  • Gestión del sistema IPMI
  • Redirección de Consola KVM
  • Redirección de Consola de Texto (Serial-Over-LAN)
  • Gestión de medios virtuales
  • Gestión de usuarios/grupos IPMI
  • Receptor de trampas
  • Aplicación móvil (Android, iOS)

Requisitos del sistema operativo

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.8 o posterior,
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 o posterior
  • Ubuntu Server 14.04 o posterior
  • Windows 7 y 10
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP 1, 2012 R2


IPMIView Mobile (1 de 2)IPMIView Mobile (2 de 2)

Encontrará más información en Recursos BMC.

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X (anteriormente Twitter): @Supermicro_SW