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CPU Information: Intel® Xeon® 6700 Series Processors
For CPU information purposes only. Refer to the Product (System or Motherboard) Web Specification Page for Details on Validation or contact Technical Support.
CategorySKUCoresBaseAll Core Turbo (GHz)TDP (Watts)Cache(MB)Maximum ScalabilityDDR5 Memory SpeedUPI Links EnabledDefault DSA DevicesDefault IAA DevicesDefault QAT DevicesDefault DLB DevicesIntel® On Demand Capable
2S Performance Per Watt Optimized6780E1442.23.03301082S640042222N
2S Performance Per Watt Optimized6766E1441.92.72501082S640042222N
2S Performance Per Watt Optimized6756E1281.82.6225962S640042222N
2S Performance Per Watt Optimized6746E1122.02.7250962S560042222N
2S Performance Per Watt Optimized6740E962.43.2250962S640042244N
2S Performance Per Watt Optimized6710E642.43.2205962S560042244N
1S Performance Per Watt Optimized6731E962.23.1250961S560002222N