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Supermicro SuperMinute: Ultra-E 2U Short-Depth Server

Supermicro's Ultra-E 2U short-depth server, now with NEBS level 3-certification, delivers data center computational power to the telecom Edge.

Transform Your Business with the Next Generation of Accelerated Computing

The transformative new wave of technologies are driving global trends for artificial intelligence(AI), high-performance computing (HPC), and cloud computing. Implementing accelerated computing solutions from Supermicro and NVIDIA is crucial to becoming innovative and enabling AI-powered applications everywhere at speed and large scale.


Supermicro optimized and accelerated computing workload product portfolio fully supports NVIDIA Bluefield-2 DPU

2020 年 10 月 14 日—加州圣何塞讯 — Super Micro Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq:SMCI) 为企业级运算、存储、网络解决方案和绿色运算技术等领域的全球领导者,今日宣布将为最新的 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU(数据处理单元)提供支持。NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 现已开始提供样品,Supermicro 将针对 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 进行积极的认证计划,其中包含 Supermicro 预计于 2021 年推出一系列领先市场的系统。整个产品组合包括 1U、2U、4U、10U 机架式 GPU 系统、Ultra、BigTwin™、8U SuperBlade,以及其他嵌入式解决方案。从边缘到云端,Supermicro 的产品都能满足其进阶的数据需求。


Supermicro supports NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU to meet data center needs

Super Micro Computer 為企業級運算、儲存、網路解決方案和綠色運算技術等領域的供應商,日前宣布將支援最新的 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU。NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 現已開始提供樣品,而 Supermicro 將針對 NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU 進行積極的認證計畫,其中包含 Supermicro 預計於 2021 年推出一系列領先市場的系統。整個產品組合包括 1U、2U、4U、10U 機架式 GPU 系統、Ultra、BigTwin、8U SuperBlade,以及其他的嵌入式解決方案。無論從邊緣到雲端,Supermicro 的產品能支援各種進階的資料需求。


Supermicro SYS-1019P-WTR Server Review 1U 1P Intel Xeon

For years, the typical server has been defined by the dual-socket market. At the same time, a number of organizations have noticed that crossing the QPI/ UPI bus between sockets is less than ideal. Processors have crept up not just in capacity, but also in price and power consumption which is making many take a look at single-socket solutions again. AMD EPYC has been pushing this space, so invariably, we are going to have an Intel Xeon response.


Supermicro introduces NEBS Level 3 certified 1U server

Supermicro Computer, Inc. announces a 1U NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3 certified system with up to four NVIDIA V100 or V100S Tensor Core GPUs. The new server system enables the latest AI, AR/VR, transcoding, gaming, and other high-compute workloads with low latency requirements in the telecom environment.


Supermicro selected for COVID research

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has selected Supermicro to provide additional computing capacity and resources for scientists working to find a cure for COVID-19.
