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美超微:輝達H100伺服器需求加溫 年底出貨增25%

伺服器製造商美超微 (Supermicro) (SMCI-US) 執行長梁見後表示,AI 需求龐大帶動輝達 (NVDA-US) H100 伺服器出貨提升,預計年底月出貨 5000 個機架,較目前成長 25%,帶動今年營收達 200 億美元。


COMPUTEX 2023:Supermicro液冷解方 綠色運算新對策



Supermicro COMPUTEX Keynote Unveils Company’s Accelerate Everything Strategy for Product Innovation, Manufacturing Scale, and Green Technology

Supermicro Founder and CEO Charles Liang Will be Joined by Jensen Huang, NVIDIA CEO, and other Industry Luminaries to Outline Developments to Accelerate Cloud, AI, Edge, and Storage Workloads, Investments to Drive Rack Scale Manufacturing, and Innovations to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Today’s Data Centers with Green Computing Technologies