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CPU Information: Intel® Xeon® 6900 Series Processors
For CPU information purposes only. Refer to the Product (System or Motherboard) Web Specification Page for Details on Validation or contact Technical Support.
CategorySKUCoresBaseAll Core Turbo (GHz)Max TurboTDP (Watts)CacheMaximum ScalabilityDDR5 Memory SpeedMRDIMM Memory SpeedUPI Links EnabledDefault DSA DevicesDefault IAA DevicesDefault QAT DevicesDefault DLB DevicesIntel On Demand CapableIntel Speed Select Technology (SSP) Capable
2S Performance Per Core Optimized6980P1282.03.23.95005042S6400880064444NN
2S Performance Per Core Optimized6979P1202.13.23.95005042S6400880064444NN
2S Performance Per Core Optimized6972P962.43.53.95004802S6400880064444NY
2S Performance Per Core Optimized6952P962.13.23.94004802S6400880064444NY
2S Performance Per Core Optimized6960P722.73.83.95004322S6400880064444NY