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The Industry's First 1U V100 GPU Server with NEBS Level 3

Supermicro is first-to-market with a 1U NEBS Level 3 V100 GPU accelerated server, a key enabler for the transition to 5G, with industry adoption of the most advanced applications and workloads found in AI, ML, AR/VR, and IoT.


Supermicro Launches 1U NEBS Level 3 Certified Server

Supermicro has launched its 1U NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3 certified server system with up to four NVIDIA V100 or V100S Tensor Core GPUs. The new server system would enable the latest AI, AR/VR, transcoding, gaming, and other high-compute workloads with low latency requirements in the telecom environment.


How data centre operators can reduce energy consumption: The role of cooling technologies in the transition towards green data centres

In today’s data-driven economy, businesses and data centres are facing the battle of efficiency; finding the balance between an efficiently-run data centre which can handle the exponential amounts of data being produced every minute, yet also being aware of the environmental impact of the performance, scale and value of the installed servers.


Server delivers for edge AI and VR

Supermicro Computer has introduced what it says is an industry-first 1U NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) Level 3 certified system with up to four (4) NVIDIA V100 or V100S Tensor Core GPUs. The new server system enables the latest AI, AR/VR, transcoding, gaming, and other high-compute workloads with low latency requirements in the telecom environment.


Supermicro, "As a global server manufacturer, we will retarget the Korean market"

[IT동아 김영우 기자] 슈퍼마이크로(Supermicro)는 미국 캘리포니아 주에 본사를 둔 글로벌 서버 제조사다. 1993년에 찰스 리앙(Charles Liang) CEO가 스타트업으로 시작해 현재는 포춘 선정 1,000대 기업으로 성장했다. HP, 델 등과 함께 전 세계 주요 서버 공급업체 중 하나가 됐다.
