I have H8SGL motherboard and BIOS Rev 1.1c – Build Date 03/23/11; wondering why HDD connected to:

Sata0 -> is shown as 3M (ThirdMaster)
Sata1 -> is shown as 4M (FourthMaster)
Sata2 -> 3S (ThirdSlave)
Sata3 -> 4S (FourthSlave)
Sata4 -> PM (PrimaryMaster)
Sata5 -> PS (PrimarySlave)

Why not ?

Sata0 -> PM or (SM) -> /dev/sda
Sata1 -> SM or (SS) -> /dev/sdb
Sata2 -> 3M -> /dev/sdc
Sata3 -> 3S -> /dev/sdd
Sata4 -> 4M -> /dev/sde
Sata5 -> 4S -> /dev/sdd
Base on the AMD SP5100 spec, it needs to set the IDE Master and Slave that way.
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